Technology Support

Getting Technology Assistance
Grandview C-4 School District provides technical support through the GC-4 Help Desk. Once a help desk ticket is submitted, technical support is dispatched. The Help Desk staff members are available for calls and emails Monday - Friday from 8 am - 4:30 pm. Support at the high school is also available from 7 am - 11:45 am. To contact the Help Desk dial extension 4357 (in district) or (816) 316-5190 (outside the district). The Help Desk is located in the IT department office or in the high school library.
While in-district, you may also check or add your own work orders online by clicking here.
Please make sure to provide the problem, your name, a callback number, and your building and room. Adding models for projectors, document cameras, and computers is also helpful. Students with technology issues should bring their devices to the GHS Help Desk in the Library.
1:1 Initiative
The Grandview C-4 School District has adopted a 1:1 initiative to provide laptops to its high school students. Students currently are provided an 11-inch Mac Book Air with a bag and clear case to cover the device. The laptops are used at both school and home. Students provide their own internet access at home.
Wifi HotSpots for Students
Grandview School District has been awarded the T-Mobile 10 Million Project Grant. This grant is focused on providing Internet connectivity to students with a lack of current in-home access. A lack of home Internet access means a.) no Internet access in the home, b.) multiple students in the household with access to a single computer, or c.) dial-up Internet at home.
Any student without Internet Access at home is eligible to receive a hotspot for Internet access as long as the equipment is available. The device will be checked out to your student to use at home and should be returned at the end of the school year or when they end enrollment at the Grandview C-4 District.
You do not have to participate in the 1:1 device project to receive a hot spot though priority will be given to 1:1 students.
Visit to signup or contact your student's school.
Technology Safety/Usage
The Internet has drastically changed the way that we interact with the world. People have access to in-depth knowledge, tools to express their creativity, and people from all over the world. Yet along with offering a fascinating, new way to connect with the world, the Internet also offers new risks such as:
- Cyber-bullying
- Exposure to inappropriate material
- Online predators
- Revealing too much personal information
Learning to recognize the warning signs of these risks will allow trusted adults to intervene and lessen potential negative impacts.
For more information, visit Netsmartz Internet Safety Asked Questions
What do I do if my laptop keeps asking for a login keychain?
The password of your user account might not match the password of your login keychain. You should either create a new login keychain or update it with your new password.
The password of your user account might not match the password of your login keychain. You should either create a new login keychain or update it with your new password.
As a staff member, how do I reset my keychain?
Open Finder/Applications/Utilities/Keychain Access
Click Keychain Access from the menu bar
Click "reset my default keychain"
Enter your new password or the password that you log into the computer with, click OK, click OK again, close all windows, and restart the computer.
How long is email maintained in the district?
The district currently has a policy to maintain emails for one year. After one year, all emails are deleted. This includes all archives also.
If I need technical support, who should contact the Help Desk?
All staff members can contact the Help Desk. It is our preference that the staff member contact the Help Desk themselves. Often there are questions that only the individual can answer.
*Students should not contact the Help Desk via phone or email but should visit the IT Help Desk in the GHS Library.
Will the IT Department fix my personal computer?
Unfortunately no. The IT department is not funded to handle the support of staff personal computers.
What do I do if I think my computer has been compromised by a virus, malware, or outside source?
Turn off the computer. Contact the Help Desk and we will have a technician evaluate your machine.
How do I get an Imagine Learning Account/Password?
Contact the special education department.
How do I get a Connect Ed Account/Password?
Contact the Curriculum/Instruction department.
How do I get a Pulse Account/Password?
Please get in touch with the Help Desk.
What do I do if I forget my SISK12 Password?
If you forgot your password, click on the link that says "Forgot your password?". Your password will be emailed to you.
What do I do if I forget my network/email password?
Contact the Help Desk for support.
As a staff member, how do I receive a long-distance code?
A long-distance code is available for staff if required. Please email the helpdesk to receive a code.
A new student cannot log in. What do I do?
There is a 24-hour turnaround time for the student(s) account to become active.
After 24 hours, check with your school secretary to ensure the information is accurate. Then contact the Help Desk for additional assistance.
Will the IT Department fix my personal computer?
Unfortunately no. The IT department is not funded to handle the support of staff personal computers.
What do I do if I think my computer has been compromised by a virus, malware, or outside source?
Turn off the computer. Contact the Help Desk and we will have a technician evaluate your machine.
How do I get an Imagine Learning Account/Password?
Contact the special education department.
How do I get a Connect Ed Account/Password?
Contact the Curriculum/Instruction department.
How do I get a Pulse Account/Password?
Please get in touch with the Help Desk.
What do I do if I forget my SISK12 Password?
If you forgot your password, click on the link that says "Forgot your password?". Your password will be emailed to you.
What do I do if I forget my network/email password?
Contact the Help Desk for support.
As a staff member, how do I receive a long-distance code?
A long-distance code is available for staff if required. Please email the helpdesk to receive a code.
A new student cannot log in. What do I do?
There is a 24-hour turnaround time for the student(s) account to become active.
After 24 hours, check with your school secretary to ensure the information is accurate. Then contact the Help Desk for additional assistance.