Board Briefs - October Meeting 2016

The entire meeting agenda can be viewed at: October 20, 2016 BOE Meeting

Official Enrollment

Each year the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) requires all school districts to submit official student enrollment on the last Wednesday in September and again in January.  The official student enrollment count for Grandview C4 on September 28, 2016 was 4287.  This is an increase of 23 students over the enrollment count reported in September 2015.

Audit Report

Representatives from DSWA, Certified Public Accountants, presented their report of the district’s 2015-16 financial statements indicating a clean opinion, stating that the financial statements present fairly in all material respects the financial positon of the district.  The audit report indicated that the district is well below its allowable debt ceiling. 

The auditors did find that the district did not adopt the Uniform Grant Guidance (UGG) policies by July 1, 2015 as required because the policies were not received by the district from its third party contractor (Missouri School Boards Association) until after that date.  Additionally the auditors indicated that the district had incomplete mileage records for student transportation but that the district had already implemented procedures to ensure accurate tracking of mileage for 2016-17.

Adoption of Tax Levy

The Board approved a tax levy rate of $5.0047 for general and teacher operating funds and $0.80 for debt service, for a total tax levy rate of $5.8047.

Refunding of Bonds

The Board approved the refunding of two series of general obligation bonds which will result in a savings to tax payers of over $850,000.

Board Vacancy

A position on the Board of Education is available for an unexpired term which will last until the April 4, 2017 election.  Interested parties should send an email to [email protected] by November 18, 2016.