Regular Open Meeting Brief – December 14, 2023
The entire meeting agenda can be viewed at: December 14, 2023 BOE Meeting
School Improvement Plans (SIP)
The Board heard SIP presentations from the principals of Grandview High School, Meadowmere Elementary and High Grove Early Childhood Center. Principals reviewed school data, root cause analyses, and results of their 30/60/90 day plans, as well as adjustments made to their plans based upon those results. Goals include increasing student proficiency in English Language Arts and Math, and improvements in school pride and sense of belonging.
Annual Audit Report
A representative from the auditing firm DSWA presented the audit report for the 2022-23 fiscal year showing a clean opinion with no material weaknesses or significant findings. DSWA determined that the District complied in all material respects with the types of compliance requirements that could have a direct and material effect on each of its major federal programs. Additionally, DSWA noted that a financial strength of the District is that it is well below the constitutional long-term debt limit even with the passage of a $45M bond issue in April 2021.
No Tax Increase Bond Issue
After reviewing an analysis of the district’s bonding capacity and infrastructure needs, the Board approved placement of a $50,000,000 no tax increase bond issue on the April 2, 2024 ballot. Bond issues are used to provide funding for facilities construction or improvements.
Diversity Recruitment Team
The Human Resources Department created a diversity recruitment team this year to assist in adequately recruiting and retaining a diverse staff. Two members from the team updated the Board on their work so far this year which included; review of strategic plan goals, district demographic data, development of messaging, and establishment of a recruitment schedule for 2024.
Program Evaluations
The Assistant Superintendent of Operations and Finance presented an evaluation on finance and investment of surplus funds. The District concluded the 2022-23 fiscal year with an operating surplus of $5.4 M and operating reserves at 41%. Strengths of the program include controlling reserves to minimize the need for tax anticipation borrowing, efficiently managing competitive bidding processes for multiple school services and employee benefits, and strategic investment of reserve funds to capture more funding from interest earnings. Long range projections show the district maintaining fund balances above the 18% goal through fiscal year 2025-26. The A+ Program evaluation found that the number of eligible graduates increased significantly for the previous year. Since the state designation in the Spring of 2012, Grandview High School has designated 486 eligible A+ Program candidates.