Board Briefs - December Meeting 2020

Regular Open Meeting Brief – December 17, 2020

The entire meeting agenda can be viewed at:  December 17, 2020 BOE Meeting

School Improvement Plans (SIP) 

The Board heard SIP presentations from the principals of Grandview High School (GHS) and the Center for Alternative Instructional Resources (CAIR) The new SIP format includes root cause analyses and 30, 60, and 90 day reviews.  Principals reviewed the results of their 30 and 60 day plans and reviewed their 90 day plans.  GHS goals include increasing positive relationships with stakeholders, building instructional capacity of teachers, and improving student achievement.  CAIR will focus on increasing student achievement and engagement, and strengthening students’ self-regulation skills.

Annual Audit Report

A representative from the auditing firm DSWA presented the audit report for the 2019-20 year showing a clean audit with no material weaknesses or significant findings.  Additionally, DSWA noted that a financial strength of the District is that it is well below the constitutional debt limit. 

No-Tax Increase Bond Issue

After reviewing an analysis of the district’s bonding capacity and infrastructure needs, the Board approved placement of a $45,000,000 no tax increase bond issue on the April 6, 2021 ballot. Bond issues are used to provide funding for facilities construction or improvements.

Resolution for Tax Levy Election

The Board also reviewed budget forecasts, including projections for funding teacher and staff salaries and reviewed information on funds that could be generated with various operating levy increases.  The Board approved a resolution for a special election to be held on April 6, 2021 authorizing an increase in the District’s operating tax levy by $ 0.60.  Tax levies generate funds for general operations of the district.  It is important to note that funds from bond issues and funds from tax levies cannot be used interchangeably.