Free and Reduced Meal Program » Overview




The extension of free and reduced-price meals to financially eligible students is a requirement for all Local Education Agencies (LEAs) that participate in one or more of the Child Nutrition Programs.  Students can be determined eligible for free meals through the Direct Certification method and free or reduced-price meals by submission of an application.  School officials will determine student eligibility for free and reduced-price meals, snacks, and milk in accordance with state and federal law. 


The criteria for determining a student’s need and the procedures for securing free and reduced-price meals, snacks, and milk for the students is outlined in the Eligibility Criteria and Income Eligibility Guidelines table provided. 


The students participating in the free or reduced-price meals, snacks, or milk program will not be overtly identified, distinguished or served differently than other students and will have the same choice of meals, snacks, or milk as other students.  The district will charge all students for a la carte menu items.