Connect with Us

The Grandview C-4 School District encourages all parents and community members to get and stay connected to all things going on in our district.  GC-4 provides opportunities for you to be informed and involved through several channels of communication.  They include:
You may have access to each of the following methods of communication by keeping your contact information updated in the parent portal and by checking our district, schools, and social media websites regularly.  If you are a community member you may sign up for E-news by clicking here.

Setting Your Communication Preferences

If you are a parent or guardian and would like to learn more about how you can set your communication preferences, please read our Parent and Student School Messenger User Guide linked below.

Advertise with Us

The Grandview C-4 School District advertises school-appropriate postings in The School Report magazine.  The magazine is published two times a year and mailed to approximately 17,400 households and businesses within the Grandview/South Kansas City community. It is also distributed digitally online.
If you are an organization or business that is interested in advertising in The School Report please email [email protected] for pricing or additional information.

Media Inquiries

If you are a member of the news media and have an inquiry, please contact:

Sheba Clarke
GC-4 Public Relations Coordinator
Phone: (816) 316-5021
Email: [email protected]
Intrado School Messenger is our automated
phone alert system.
Sign up through
For the latest district message call:
1 (844) 823-6631